Thembalina (they/them) - Big Easy Roller Derby

Thembalina (they/them)

Thembalina (they/them) 337 Big Easy Roller Derby-Trainer

How did you come up with your name and number?
My number is the area code of my home town, and my name is a fanciful play on gender because I’m nonbinary and visibility matters.

When did you start playing roller derby/get involved with roller derby? How did you get involved?
I started playing in 2014 with Charm City. I bonded with my girlfriend at the time over the fact that we both had always wanted to play, so we decided to try out together. It’s been a great adventure ever since.

Is there another skater that you look up to?
I look to RestN and Skela for jamming wisdom, and I really admire Kine and Deanne T. as powerhouse blockers. I learn from them all the time!

What kind of skates do you skate on?
Reidell Solaris boots with Reactor plates — it’s a pretty standard setup because I don’t like my gear to be complicated. I want to be 100% focused on skills.

Do you have any short term or long term Derby Goals?
Short term: zero in on my basics and stay consistent.
Long term: Help build BERD into the best community we can be!

What position on the track do you play/prefer?
I love being a pivot. It’s a great challenge to play defense to be ready to switch to blocking mode at any time, plus I know jammers appreciate when the pivot is there for them. I’m a helper, what can I say?

What do you like to do after a game?
Unwind at the afterparty, tell everyone how great they did, hug my friends and celebrate another day playing the best sport in the world. Then sleep.

Favorite derby memory?
They’re all so good … derby people are weird and fun. Road trips to the middle of nowhere, after parties on the beach, and the incredible positive feelings of working with my team to make great things happen!

What is some advice you’d give to someone who may be interested in joining roller derby?
Just try it! We can teach you everything you need to know. And you never know who you’ll meet or how the experience will change your life. There’s really nothing to lose.

What does your life look like outside of roller derby?
I’m an artist and small business owner. When I’m not skating, I have a pretty quiet life, and I like it that way.